Green Building: Low Heat Loads
Many modern green homes are very tight resulting in low heating and cooling loads. This means that radiant floor full coverage of a rooms floor surface is often not required to meet the load. With the modular Ecowarm RadiantBoard system, tubing and active panels can be used only where required for heating and comfort, using blank panels elsewhere. This design approach can reduce the first cost of radiant heating. Also consider the use of Ecowarm in Radiant Ceiling Heating.
Sustainable, Low Impact Materials:
Ecowarm RadiantBoard can be specified with FSC sustainably certified plywood, the only radiant manufacturer offering this assurance. The product is also using high recycled content aluminum and zero VOC water-based adhesives.
The low mass and the very conductive aluminum laminate of Ecowarm RadiantBoard permits the use of lower water temperatures than many radiant floor systems. Lower water temperatures translate directly to lower energy use, costs and a smaller carbon footprint.