radiant heating solutions laminated with aluminium

The Radiant Panel Company

Founded in 2000, WBI has been manufacturing a variety of radiant heating solutions including Ecowarm RadiantBoard, Thermalboard, and InsulHeat. Our patented radiant panel systems provide excellent performance and efficiency. Installation is fast and easy with our paint by number CAD layout designs – saving time, labor and money. We provide the broadest offering of radiant panel solutions in the industry. The company has additional patents and patents pending.

Aluminum Surfaces

All WBI radiant panels are laminated with highly conductive aluminum that provide vastly improved heating respond time over cementitious or plain wood panels while permitting the use of lower water temperatures with the resulting higher efficiencies.

Modular Installation

All WBI radiant panels are designed and produced in small panels that are easy to install.

Panel Layout Services

All WBI panel systems are offered with panel layout design services.

Factory Direct

All WBI panels are sold factory direct to the jobsite.